useful video contents

7 Types Of Marketing Videos That’ll Be Useful Post-Covid 19

Marketing videos can be really effective for your brand if you use it at the right time & the right place. No matter whichever industry you’re in, understanding your audience & marketing your brand effectively in the era of COVID-19 is no simple task. In a world where the well-known working methodology of businesses and the economy has taken a new shape, reaching out to your potential audience in a way different from your competitors requires some strong marketing tactics and a powerful brand message. 

Studies show that marketing video is the type of content that is more in demand as 80% of consumers have consumed more video content since the coronavirus outbreak. It is estimated that by the end of 2020, the average person will watch 100 minutes of video content and by 2022, 82% of all content creation will be video. 

Woah! That’s some crazy stats for you but what matters is how smartly you use marketing videos to turn the wheel in your favor. Incorporating an engaging video strategy in your businesses irrespective of its length can help in making hours of content consumption gullible and more palatable. 

But understanding which type of content will interest your customer at what stage can not only be confusing but requires well-structured information about the needs and taste of your prospect. Seems a lot of brainstorming right? Well, relax, as we have resolved the most unsolved and confusing puzzle of three worlds.

7 types of marketing video proven to be useful post-covid:

Here’s a list of seven different styles of Marketing Video Content that can not only help you market your brand through different social channels but keep your prospects in equation with your brand message like never before.

Social Media Marketing Videos

The importance of having a well organized social media channel for your business is undefinable. Social media marketing videos are becoming a fixture of most marketing campaigns for good reasons. 

Even though they are shorter content of 5-10 seconds, the scope these video contents carry, is broader than any other content with a hard-to-beat ROI. They can grab your customer’s attention in a click and put your brand’s message across before they’d even notice. 

Social media content is mostly straightforward and uniquely effective in building trust. These marketing videos can be a bit of everything from- commercials to explainers – and anything in between. Such video contents live or die by their first few frames, as for any video to work on social media, it needs to capture your customer’s attention right away.

Explainer Videos

Whether it’s for your website or YouTube channel, explainer videos are no doubt a staple for any marketing strategy. A part of Google’s algorithm for search ranking considers the amount of time visitors stay on your website. This is one of the reasons why explainer video has seen massive growth in terms of popularity and application across several businesses. 

A content made between 1 minute to 3 minutes, an explainer video can tell your customer about anything, be it your brand story, your services, or products that can benefit them in some way or the other. 

Versatile to use on any platform, explainer videos go deep and give a brief introduction about your business than any other format. They combine effective storytelling with meaningful visuals and animations that engage viewers from the get-go.

Commercial Videos

One of the most essential marketing  videos to have in your vault. They promote a service, product, brand, or a company in a simple way using different social media platforms, television, or digital outlets with paid media spend. They always have a commercial purpose like increasing sales or entering a new market. 

With commercial marketing videos, you aren’t much trying to educate your audience rather advertise your brands and products. They are mostly promotional with the intention to strive spark among the viewers, generate interest for the product, and boost brand recognition.

These types of video content are best for launching a product, increasing sales, and establishing brand awareness.

Branded Videos

In today’s world where the internet is flooded with video content on a daily basis, creating something which is outstanding, educational, and adds value not only portrays your brand as a thought leader but helps the audience connect with your business on a regular basis. 

Branded marketing videos are just a perfect way to build connections with your prospects and existing customers. These videos are marketing content that’s sponsored or created by a brand without actually advertising their name. 

Means, it does not try to outright promote your business. Sometimes your name will hardly even appear throughout the video content but still, they are designed to reinforce your brand’s image by delivering relevant messages. 

So, while branded marketing videos are not a traditional ad or marketing promo, it often shares the same end goal of driving audience engagement.

Product Marketing Videos

A product video is a shorter form of explainer video that excels at showcasing the benefits of a product. It puts through the main features of the product and how it can be useful by emphasizing the pain points the customer may encounter. 

These video contents work for physical products as well as for digital ones. In which case you can just demonstrate your product through real images or a series of screenshots. A demo video increases the rates of conversion by providing a creative and engaging story that demonstrates how your product functions in the real world and what its impact is. 

These types of marketing videos can also be a good point to close sales as nobody watches a product video until and unless they are not interested. Planning out the content effectively and putting the message across can do wonders in your sales tactics.

Training Videos

Perfect for internal communication, training videos can be one of the most useful tools to interact with your employees internally. Businesses throughout the world have switched towards video content format for their Learning and Development program.

They engage your employees throughout, are easily digestible, cost-effective, and can break the complex ideas into simpler versions. The traditional L&D programs which constituted more printed documents have been totally swept by Engaging Video Content. 

They can easily translate the corporate culture to the new hires, improve product or service knowledge, or seamlessly train remote work teams. Isn’t it best considering the face you might be reading while sitting at home & wearing pajamas! 

Time to get started

Pandemic or no pandemic, marketing videos are ruling today’s world! With the help of marketing video it’s no difficult task to understand your audience & plan a marketing strategy which can keep your company two steps ahead from the competition as well as convert your prospects to customers and customers to recurring clients in no time.


Audiences love & trust videos, even if they aren’t aware of it & this alone increases the maximum sales & conversion. Contact us for our creative expertise today & let’s have a 30-min strategy call to decide on your marketing videos! You have the info, now it’s all in your hands!

Thinking to get a video?

Let’s get on a 30 minutes strategy call & discuss!